Specials at Dranesville

Meet our 2024-25 Single Subject Teachers!

24-25 Single Subject Teachers

(From L to R)

Back Row: Mr. Blank (Band), Mr. Libby (Music), Mr. Welch (PE), Mr. Corbin (PE)  Mr. De La Cruz (Strings)

Front Row: Ms. Morris (STEAM), Ms. Hughes (Music), Ms. Nagy (Art), Ms. Boudreaux (FLES), Ms. Fuentes (Art), 

Not Pictured: Ms. Hammond (Library)


The K-12 fine arts programs promote the development of Portrait of a Graduate attributes by encouraging students to become critical thinkers, creative problem solvers, and effective communicators. 


General Music and Chorus

We believe that music is an essential part of life and that all children should be exposed to music at an early age. Students at Dranesville will learn to play instruments, move to music and sing a varied repertoire of songs. They will enjoy music of many styles while learning to improvise and read music. Many scientific studies now show that regular participation in music making, trains the brain to be more effective in all areas of learning. We hope that each child will find joy in making music with others, which we believe is the essence of every human being.

Chorus at Dranesville Elementary is open to any 5th and 6th grade students who wish to join. Rehearsals are once a week and include vocal warm-ups, basic ear-training, and singing in 2-part harmony. Students learn a wide variety of songs -- from classical choral literature to popular songs to pieces in foreign languages. There are three concerts a year: the winter concert, the Pyramid concert at Herndon High School, and the spring concert. Students who join chorus are expected to participate in all the performances.


Students in grades 5 and 6 have the opportunity to participate in the Dranseville Elementary School band program. Weekly instrumental instruction takes place during the school day and is offered free of charge. Group lessons are offered in homogeneous classes( like instrument classes) for beginners and heterogeneous classes (mixed instruments) for second year players. All classes are 45 minutes in length. Students will perform in two concerts, winter (advanced only) and spring (all band members). Dranesville band members are also encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities such as band solo and ensemble festival (April) and the Herndon Area Band (second year students by invitation only).

All second year band members are invited to participate in the Herndon Area Band. This band consisits of students from many different elementary schools in our area and performs at a high level of ability. It meets on Mondays from January through May. The Area Band performs in the annual Herndon Pyramid Concert along with the Herndon Middle School Symphonic Band and the Herndon High School Wind Ensemble.


Dranesville Elementary is pleased to offer weekly string instruction to students in grades 4,5, and 6. These group lessons are 60 minutes in length, and take place during the school day. Students perform in both a winter and a spring concert, and are invited to participate in special events such as Solo and Ensemble Festival and Reston-Herndon Area Orchestra.

FLES (Spanish)

The Foreign Language in the Elementary School - Language through Content (FLES-LTC) program, helps students learn a world language through Science and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) integrated content. The program provides language learning opportunities to all students in an elementary school from grades K through 6th.

The goal of FLES/LTC is to develop students’ language proficiency and 21st century skills by teaching World Languages through STEAM, with a strong emphasis on Science. Teachers use Project-Based Learning to help students learn another language while developing skills in all areas. This model supports the five goal areas of the national standards for world languages (communication, culture, connections, comparisons, and communities) and is aligned with the Virginia SOL for World Languages.

At Dranesville Elementary School, Spanish will be taught in the FLES-LTC program.


The Dranesville Elementary School Library classes will include book check out (students select library materials that reflect individual reading ability, areas of interest, and/or specific research needs), information literacy skill lessons and activities, and literature appreciation. Students needing additional reading material or research materials may use the library during open access times.

Instructional activities for acquiring library and research skills begin in kindergarten. Each grade level will be involved in instructional activities that will increase students' knowledge of the online catalog, organization of library materials, and technology in a variety of applications to develop 21st Century Skills.

Physical Education

Dranesville Elementary School's Physical Education program's primary purpose is to enable students in grade K-6 to develop competence in fundamental movement skills by providing a wide variety of developmentally appropriate movement experiences and practice opportunities. Learning experiences are designed to use skill themes and movement concepts to teach the content of each learning strand. Physical fitness, rhythms, educational gymnastics, and games/activities to practice fundamental movement skills are fully integrated into the curriculum. Age-appropriate fitness and wellness concepts are included in instructional units.


STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. STEAM includes the “A” for Arts practices and principles. STEAM takes STEM to the next level by emphasizing innovation, design, and aesthetics. Students use STEAM to learn, explore, create, and solve real-world problems in new ways. At Dranesville, students K-6 will:

  • Apply content knowledge using engineering practices to solve through design.
  • Plan, design, and create models to test and refine.
  • Develop Portrait of Graduate (POG) attributes and prepare for future careers.