Dranesville Tuesday Connection

GovDelivery6 hours 44 minutes ago

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Dranesville Dragons kick off Kindness Week rocking their favorite college spirit wear.

Be kind to your mind!

Expect the best. Set a goal. Make a plan. Celebrate progress.

#DranesvilleCARES #ExpandingExcellence

Save the Date

February 10th - 14th

Kindness Week

February 12th

100th Day of School

February 14th

Dranesville Loves to Read Day

February 17th

Holiday | No School

February 24th

3 Hour Early Release 1:05 pm

March 3rd - 7th

Read Across America Week | Scholastic Book Fair

March 4th

 Late Night at the Book Fair 4:30 7:30 | Literacy Night 5:30 - 7:30 

March 7th

Book Character Day

March 17th

Kindergarten Orientation 3:00 pm

March 28th

End of Quarter 3

24-25 School Year Calendar

Spring 2025 SOL Assessment Dates

Kindness Week February 10th - 14th

Kindness Week English Graphic | Kindness Week Spanish Graphic

Dranesville Loves to Read Day

We are looking forward to welcoming guest readers into our classrooms on Friday, February 14th for our fourth annual Dranesville Loves to Read Day. Please message your child's teacher to arrange a time to visit as a guest reader. Thank you for sharing your time with us!

Advisory Committee for Students With Disabilities Seeks Nominations for First-Class Awards

First-Class Awards are presented each year to individuals who support, design, and/or implement inclusion activities that result in positive outcomes for students. The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the 2025 First-Class Awards. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize and celebrate the inclusion efforts of educators, administrators, and students who demonstrate the inclusion of students with disabilities in all facets of education. 

Nominees should model excellence in their role relative to special education, have a positive impact that benefits disabled and non-disabled students alike, and be committed to creating an inclusive environment and mindset.

Nominate an administrator, staff member, student, or community partner who has made an exceptional contribution to inclusive practices in Fairfax County Public Schools. Nominations close Wednesday, February 19.

Reading Under the Stars


Get ready to celebrate reading with the Dranesville community during Read Across America Week, March 3rd-7th! Join us in supporting our students as they continue to reach for the stars and soar as readers.

  • Scholastic Book Fair - March 3rd -7th Preview Online
  • Family Literacy Night - March 4th | 5:30 - 7:30 PM
  • Book Character Day - March 7th 
Kindergarten Orientation


Dranesville Elementary's Kindergarten Orientation March 17th 3:00 pm

 Kindergarten Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…

There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:

  1. Determine eligibility. 
  2. Identify your local school. 
  3. Gather documents. 
  4. Fill out forms. 
  5. Schedule an appointment.

After the appointment at the school (the student and one guardian must be present), the student will be ready for Kindergarten Orientation at Dranesville Elementary School. Read more about the registration process. For additional information please contact our school registrar, Angela Agana, at 703-326-5200.

Dranesville Cares

Our school-wide expectations are grounded in Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills that students need to succeed in school and life. It is important that we are all caring communicators who use respectful words, goal-directed and resilient individuals who take ownership of our learning community and global and ethical citizens who take action to care for our school and community.

Dining Expectations
  • I will be respectful by entering the cafeteria walking quietly.
  • I will be responsible by getting my lunch and utensils before sitting down. 
  • I will be responsible by sitting in my seat.
  • I will eat lunch and talk quietly (table voices) with my neighbor.
  • I will be responsible by cleaning up when my table is called.
  • I will be safe by staying seated until my teacher picks me up from my table.
Restrooms Expectations
  • Get teacher permission.
  • Go to the restroom.
  • Flush the toilet.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Leave the restroom and return to class.
Hallway & Transition Expectations 
  • Use walking feet in the hallway.
  • Stop at stop signs and listen for adult instructions to continue or wait.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  • Use quiet voices to respect other classes that are working.
Digital Device Expectations

Be kind in person and online.

Lightspeed Parent Report on Child’s Activity on Assigned FCPS Device 

FCPS has tools to help parents know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided at no cost to families by Lightspeed, the school division’s internet content filtering service.

Parents may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites their child visited. The report also offers parents the ability to sign up for free access to the Internet Use Parent Portal. Through the portal, parents may pause their child’s access to the internet on their FCPS device during non-school hours.

Learn more about Lightspeed Parent Reports

Additional Technology Resources for Families.

Safe, Supported, and Ready to Learn with Second Step

On Tuesday mornings, each of our K-6 class engages a in Second Step lesson during morning meeting time. For the past five Tuesday mornings, we have learned about the concept of Growth Mindset.

In Unit 2: Emotion Management, students are learning to recognize and identify emotions so they can mange their emotions. Learning emotional management skills supports social-emotional competencies such as goal-setting and empathy. Throughout the next four weeks, students will learn and practice strategies to identify and calm strong feelings. The Family Links below provide talking points that you may use to help your child develop their emotional regulation.

Unit 2: Emotional Management English Family Links K | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Unit 2: Emotional Management  Spanish Family Links K | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 

Order Your 2024-2025 Yearbook

Yearbook orders are due on April 11, 2025. The cost of a yearbook is $20. Please order and pay online at https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/ with ID 14267225. you may also pay for your child's yearbook by bringing your cash payment to the main office during school hours.

Dranesville Renovation


Check the Dranesville Elementary Capital Project page for updates about our renovation and addition. We are excited to grow with you!

Community Flyers

Herndon Reston Youth Baseball Spring 2025

Herndon Optimist Spring Flyer 2025

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville's PTA Newsletter

GovDelivery5 days 4 hours ago

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PTA Updates for February 6th



Join us on Wednesday, February 12th at 7 PM in the Dranesville library for our monthly PTA meeting!




The PTA is excited to partner with the 2nd Grade to host February Staff Breakfast on Friday, February 14th.  There are many ways you can contribute including monetary donations, food donations, and volunteering. If you are making a food contribution - please drop off to the front office between 8:00-8:15 am on Friday, February 14th.

Please select what works best for you. Hopefully, everyone can find a way to get involved and show our amazing staff at Dranesville how much we appreciate them. Please feel free to contact Kristen Chevalier, [email protected] with any questions.

Sign up for food donations: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA629A2FDCF8-54479145-2ndgrade#/

Monetary donations: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/checkout/donate?donatePageId=626da10dc38815391febc8af



Join your Dranesville friends on Friday, February 14th from 6-8:15 PM for a Kids’ Night Out at Sterner’s Tae Kwon Do. Parents can take a break from the kids and have them attend an exciting party with Master Adam Sterner and staff. The party will include obstacle courses, Tae Kwon Do, Glow in the dark snowball fights, games, Cotton Candy, Freeze Pops, Valentine's Crafts, Movie on the Wall and more! 

Siblings and friends are welcome to sign up as well.  Ages 5-13. Cost is $42 per child. 50% of proceeds will be donated to Dranesville PTA. 

Register at https://www.dranesvillepta.com/



Congratulations to Knox and Mark Kupets on their Fairfax County Council PTA Reflections Art contest achievements!

Knox Kupets earned First Place Outstanding Interpretation Award in the Music category and will advance to the Virginia PTA level.

Mark Kupets received the Third Place Award of Merit in the Music category, Middle School Grade Division.

We’re so proud of their creativity and hard work. Please join us in congratulating Knox and Mark—and let’s all cheer Knox on as he heads to the state level!



Come support Dranesville at the North Point Village Chick-fil-A, Thursday, February 20th from 6 AM - 10 PM, by placing a mobile pickup, dine-in, drive-thru or curbside order. When ordering in the store or drive-thru, let the team member know you are here for the spirit event. A donation of 25% of mobile sales ordered through the app will be given to Dranesville. The code is DRAGONS (all caps).



The Scholastic Book Fair is coming back to Dranesville! The Book Fair will be held Friday, February 28th through Friday, March 7th. The store will be open throughout the week to shop Monday - Thursday, 3/3-3/6 9:30-3:30 and on Friday 9:30-12:30. There will be an evening Family Literacy event on Tuesday, March 4th! Stay tuned for more details!



It’s time to think about your child’s summer plans! The PTA at Clearview Elementary has invited us to their summer camp fair on Wednesday, February 19th from 7:30-8:30 p.m.  

Meet with these local camp providers who will have tables set up in the cafeteria:

 Bach to Rock - Fairfax County Parks Authority Camps - FCPS Elementary Institute for the Arts Camp - Fish and Explore - Herndon Parks and Recreation - Next Stop Theater - Overtime Athletics - Reston YMCA- SciGenie - Sterner's Tae Kwon Do - Skatequest 

  Clearview Elementary is located at 12635 Builders Road in Herndon (at the corner of Builders Road and Hiddenbook Drive in the Kingston Chase neighborhood). Translation services will be provided for Spanish-speaking families. Contact [email protected] for more information.

New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!

Upcoming Events

  • PTA Meeting: February 12 
  • Sterner’s Kids’ Night Out: February 14 
  • Clearview PTA Summer Camp Fair: February 19
  • Chick-fil-A Spirit Day at North Point: February 20
  • Scholastic Book Fair: February 28-March 7

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville Tuesday Connection

GovDelivery1 week ago

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POG Superstars pictured were recognized during the quarterly Breakfast of Champions.

Save the Date

February 4th

Progress Reports Sent Home

February 10th - 14th

Kindness Week

February 12th

100th Day of School

February 14th

Dranesville Loves to Read Day

February 24th

3 Hour Early Release 1:05 pm

March 3rd - 7th

Read Across America Week | Scholastic Book Fair

March 4th

Literacy Night | Late Night at the Book Fair

March 7th

Book Character Day

March 17th

Kindergarten Orientation 3:00 - 4:00 pm

March 28th

End of Quarter 3

24-25 School Year Calendar

Spring 2025 SOL Assessment Dates

Kindness Week February 10th - 14th

Kindness Week English Graphic | Kindness Week Spanish Graphic

Dranesville Loves to Read Day

We are looking forward to welcoming guest readers into our classrooms on Friday, February 14th for our fourth annual Dranesville Loves to Read Day. How sweet it is to have our families share their love of reading with our students. Please message your child's teacher to arrange a time to visit as a guest reader. Thank you for sharing your time with us!

Advisory Committee for Students With Disabilities Seeks Nominations for First-Class Awards

First-Class Awards are presented each year to individuals who support, design, and/or implement inclusion activities that result in positive outcomes for students. The Advisory Committee for Students with Disabilities (ACSD) is seeking nominations for the 2025 First-Class Awards. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize and celebrate the inclusion efforts of educators, administrators, and students who demonstrate the inclusion of students with disabilities in all facets of education. 

Nominees should model excellence in their role relative to special education, have a positive impact that benefits disabled and non-disabled students alike, and be committed to creating an inclusive environment and mindset.

Nominate an administrator, staff member, student, or community partner who has made an exceptional contribution to inclusive practices in Fairfax County Public Schools. Nominations close Wednesday, February 19.

Order Your 2024-2025 Yearbook

Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook Today https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/ Code 14267225

Kindergarten Orientation

Dranesville Elementary's Kindergarten Orientation March 17th 3:00 pm

 Kindergarten Registration: It’s as Easy as 1-2-3…

There’s an easy five-step process for parents wanting to register their child for kindergarten:

  1. Determine eligibility. 
  2. Identify your local school. 
  3. Gather documents. 
  4. Fill out forms. 
  5. Schedule an appointment.

After the appointment at the school (the student and one guardian must be present), the student will be ready for Kindergarten Orientation at Dranesville Elementary School. Read more about the registration process. For additional information please contact Angela Agana, our school registrar, at 703-326-5200.

Fifth and Sixth Grade Families

Our Family Liaison, Paulina Hidalgo, invites you to participate in The Parent Project. This free 10-week parent workshop will help you to gain tools to learn:

  • how to build a positive relationship with your child.
  • ways to prevent disruptive behavior at home.
  • ways to explore concrete solutions for active supervision.

When: Thursdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Where: Herndon Middle School Library

In-person: February 6th - April 10th


Reading Opens the World Book Drive and Family Literacy Fair

30,000 FREE BOOKS for Families and Educators!

• Books are available on a first-come, first served basis, so arrive early!

• Parents and guardians are welcome to choose up to 10 free books per child for home libraries, with a 30 books maximum limit per family.

• Educators and school staff may choose up to 50 free books for their classrooms.

• Fun family activities including DJ, food trucks, and free Valentine’s Day card making area.

• Hundreds of LEGO brick boxes available while supplies last!

Saturday, Feb. 8
10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Lorton Community Center & Library
9520 Richmond Hwy, Lorton, VA 22079

For more information, please contact David Walrod:

[email protected], 703-451-6840

Dranesville Cares

Our school-wide expectations are grounded in Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills that students need to succeed in school and life. It is important that we are all caring communicators who use respectful words, goal-directed and resilient individuals who take ownership of our learning community and global and ethical citizens who take action to care for our school and community.

Dining Expectations
  • I will be respectful by entering the cafeteria walking quietly.
  • I will be responsible by getting my lunch and utensils before sitting down. 
  • I will be responsible by sitting in my seat.
  • I will eat lunch and talk quietly (table voices) with my neighbor.
  • I will be responsible by cleaning up when my table is called.
  • I will be safe by staying seated until my teacher picks me up from my table.
Restrooms Expectations
  • Get teacher permission.
  • Go to the restroom.
  • Flush the toilet.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Leave the restroom and return to class.
Hallway & Transition Expectations 
  • Use walking feet in the hallway.
  • Stop at intervals to check with the adult for instructions to continue or wait.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  • Use quiet voices to respect other classes that are working.
Digital Device Expectations

Be kind in person and online.

Lightspeed Parent Report on Child’s Activity on Assigned FCPS Device 

FCPS has tools to help parents know more about their child’s activity on any FCPS device. These tools are provided at no cost to families by Lightspeed, the school division’s internet content filtering service.

Parents may sign up for a weekly Parent Report, which will provide a list of the top sites their child visited. The report also offers parents the ability to sign up for free access to the Internet Use Parent Portal. Through the portal, parents may pause their child’s access to the internet on their FCPS device during non-school hours.

Learn more about Lightspeed Parent Reports

Additional Technology Resources for Families.

Safe, Supported, and Ready to Learn with Second Step

On Tuesday mornings, each of our K-6 class engages a in Second Step lesson during morning meeting time. This month, we are exploring the concept of Growth Mindset.

Fostering a growth mindset can enhance students’ academic performance and help them develop crucial life skills like resilience, motivation, and the ability to adapt their learning strategies. Adopting a growth mindset can mean the difference between a student persevering through challenges or giving up. 

Here are family links for our first Second Step Unit: Growth Mindset.

K | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Dranesville Renovation


Check the Dranesville Elementary Capital Project page for updates about our renovation and addition. We are excited to grow with you!

Community Flyers

Herndon Reston Youth Baseball Spring 2025

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville's PTA Newsletter

GovDelivery1 week 5 days ago

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PTA Updates for January 30th



To ensure the Dranesville PTA continues to thrive and serve our community, we are seeking parents like you to step up and take on a key board role next year!

Currently we have openings for: Membership Secretary

Your involvement is crucial, and we would be delighted to have you on board! Please email [email protected] with any questions, for additional info, or to express your interest.



The PTA is excited to partner with the 2nd Grade to host February Staff Breakfast on Friday, February 14th.  There are many ways you can contribute including monetary donations, food donations, and volunteering. If you are making a food contribution - please drop off to the front office between 8:00-8:15 am on Friday, February 14th.

Please select what works best for you. Hopefully, everyone can find a way to get involved and show our amazing staff at Dranesville how much we appreciate them. Please feel free to contact Kristen Chevalier, [email protected] with any questions.

Sign up for food donations: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA629A2FDCF8-54479145-2ndgrade#/

Monetary donations: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/checkout/donate?donatePageId=626da10dc38815391febc8af



Join your Dranesville friends on Friday, February 14th from 6-8:15 PM for a Kids’ Night Out at Sterner’s Tae Kwon Do. Parents can take a break from the kids and have them attend an exciting party with Master Adam Sterner and staff. The party will include obstacle courses, Tae Kwon Do, Glow in the dark snowball fights, games, Cotton Candy, Freeze Pops, Valentine's Crafts, Movie on the Wall and more! 

Siblings and friends are welcome to sign up as well.  Ages 5-13. Cost is $42 per child. 50% of proceeds will be donated to Dranesville PTA. 

Register at https://www.dranesvillepta.com/

New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!


Upcoming Events

  • PTA Meeting: February 12 
  • Sterner’s Kids’ Night Out: February 14 

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville Tuesday Connection

GovDelivery2 weeks ago

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Students develop creative thinking and problem-solving in the STEAM lab.

Save the Date

January 14th - 31st 

VALLSS (PS and K-3)

Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System

January 21st - March 14th

WIDA Access for ELLs

January 28th

End of Quarter 2

January 29th

Teacher Workday | No School

February 14th

Dranesville Loves to Read Day

February 24th

3 Hour Early Release 1:05 pm

March 17th

Kindergarten Orientation 3:00 - 4:00 pm

24-25 School Year Calendar

Spring 2025 SOL Assessment Dates

Order Your 2024-2025 Yearbook

Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook Today https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/ Code 14267225

Kindergarten Orientation

Dranesville Elementary's Kindergarten Orientation March 17th 3:00 pm

Fifth and Sixth Grade Families

Our Family Liaison, Paulina Hidalgo, invites you to participate in The Parent Project. This free 10-week parent workshop will help you to gain tools to learn:

  • how to build a positive relationship with your child.
  • ways to prevent disruptive behavior at home.
  • ways to explore concrete solutions for active supervision.

When: Thursdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Where: Herndon Middle School Library

In-person: February 6th - April 10th


Dranesville Cares

Our school-wide expectations are grounded in Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills that students need to succeed in school and life. It is important that we are all caring communicators who use respectful words, goal-directed and resilient individuals who take ownership of our learning community and global and ethical citizens who take action to care for our school and community.

Dining Expectations
  • I will be respectful by entering the cafeteria walking quietly.
  • I will be responsible by getting my lunch and utensils before sitting down. 
  • I will be responsible by sitting in my seat.
  • I will eat lunch and talk quietly (table voices) with my neighbor.
  • I will be responsible by cleaning up when my table is called.
  • I will be safe by staying seated until my teacher picks me up from my table.
Restrooms Expectations
  • Get teacher permission.
  • Go to the restroom.
  • Flush the toilet.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Leave the restroom and return to class.
Transitioning Through Hallways 
  • Use walking feet in the hallway.
  • Stop at intervals to check with the adult for instructions to continue or wait.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  • Use quiet voices to respect other classes that are working.
Safe, Supported, and Ready to Learn with Second Step

On Tuesday mornings, each of our K-6 class engages a in Second Step lesson during morning meeting time. This month, we are exploring the concept of Growth Mindset.

 Fostering a growth mindset can enhance students’ academic performance and help them develop crucial life skills like resilience, motivation, and the ability to adapt their learning strategies. Adopting a growth mindset can mean the difference between a student persevering through challenges or giving up. 

Here are family links for our first Second Step Unit: Growth Mindset.

K | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Dranesville Renovation

Check the Dranesville Elementary Capital Project page for updates about our renovation and addition. We are excited to grow with you!

Community Flyers

Herndon Reston Youth Baseball Spring 2025

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
Web | Facebook | Instagram

Dranesville's PTA Newsletter

GovDelivery2 weeks 5 days ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

PTA Updates for January 23rd



To ensure the Dranesville PTA continues to thrive and serve our community, we are seeking parents like you to step up and take on a key board role next year!

Currently we have openings for: Membership Secretary

Your involvement is crucial, and we would be delighted to have you on board! Please email [email protected] with any questions, for additional info, or to express your interest.



Join your Dranesville friends on Friday, February 14th from 6-8:15 PM for a Kids’ Night Out at Sterner’s Tae Kwon Do. Parents can take a break from the kids and have them attend an exciting party with Master Adam Sterner and staff. The party will include obstacle courses, Tae Kwon Do, Glow in the dark snowball fights, games, Cotton Candy, Freeze Pops, Valentine's Crafts, Movie on the Wall and more! 

Siblings and friends are welcome to sign up as well.  Ages 5-13. Cost is $42 per child. 50% of proceeds will be donated to Dranesville PTA. 

Register at https://www.dranesvillepta.com/

New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!


Upcoming Events

  • PTA Meeting: February 12 
  • Sterner’s Kids’ Night Out: February 14 

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
Web | Facebook | Instagram

Dranesville's PTA Newsletter

GovDelivery3 weeks 5 days ago

Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a Web page.

English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

PTA Updates for January 16th

Come support Dranesville at the North Point Village Chick-fil-A, Thursday, January 16th from 6 AM - 10 PM, by placing a mobile pickup, dine-in, drive-thru or curbside order. When ordering in the store or drive-thru, let the team member know you are here for the spirit event. A donation of 25% of mobile sales ordered through the app will be given to Dranesville. The code is DRAGONS (all caps).

January Staff Breakfast

Calling all THIRD GRADE families! January is your month to treat our staff to breakfast at their monthly meeting. The Friday meeting for January is TOMORROW, January 17th. Our theme for this month is a hot oatmeal bar with toppings. 

Please use this link to sign up to contribute: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA629A2FDCF8-54271844-3rdgrade#/



Join your Dranesville friends on Friday, February 14th from 6-8:15 PM for a Kids’ Night Out at Sterner’s Tae Kwon Do. Parents can take a break from the kids and have them attend an exciting party with Master Adam Sterner and staff. The party will include obstacle courses, Tae Kwon Do, Glow in the dark snowball fights, games, Cotton Candy, Freeze Pops, Valentine's Crafts, Movie on the Wall and more! 

Siblings and friends are welcome to sign up as well.  Ages 5-13. Cost is $42 per child. 50% of proceeds will be donated to Dranesville PTA.

 Register at: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/

New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!

Upcoming Events

  • Chick-fil-A Spirit Night: January 16 
  • PTA Meeting: February 12 
  • Sterner’s Kids’ Night Out: February 14 

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
Web | Facebook | Instagram

Dranesville's Tuesday Connection

GovDelivery4 weeks ago

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English | Español | አማርኛ | 中文 | 한국어 | Tiếng Việt | العربية | فارسی | اردو

Students engage in a brain builder during Second Step.

Save the Date

January 14th - 24th

Reading (3-6) and Math (1-6) iReady 

January 14th - 31st 

VALLSS (PS and K-3)

Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System

January 15th

Dranesville's 6th Grade Chorus Performs at GMU 7:00 pm

January 20th 

Holiday | No School

January 21st - March 14th

WIDA Access for ELLs

January 28th

End of Quarter 2

January 29th

Teacher Workday | No School

February 24th

3 Hour Early Release 1:05 pm

March 17th

Kindergarten Orientation 3:00 - 4:00 pm

24-25 School Year Calendar

Spring 2025 SOL Assessment Dates

Coates Elementary School Boundary Study Community Meetings

The public is invited to provide input on the scope of a boundary study for Coates Elementary School. The school’s program capacity utilization was 131% for School Year 2023-24, with a projected program capacity utilization of 172% for School Year 2028-29, as shown in the Adopted FCPS Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for FY 2025-29. Coates ES was identified as a priority for review for a potential boundary adjustment as part of the Adopted CIP. This work is separate from Fairfax County Public Schools’ comprehensive boundary review, which is being conducted over a 16-month period, ending January 31, 2026.

FCPS will hold two community meetings regarding the Coates boundary study this month:

  • Thursday, January 16, 6:30-7:30 p.m.Virtual via Zoom. Please register to receive the Zoom link.
  • Tuesday, January 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m.In person at Coates Elementary School (Cafeteria, Door 1)

Each meeting will include the same presentation and feedback opportunities, and language interpretation will be available.

Visit the Coates Boundary Study webpage for additional information and to sign up for the Coates project email list. Communication about this ongoing work will also be shared by the school and applicable School Board representatives: Robyn Lady (Dranesville District), Melanie Meren (Hunter Mill District), Seema Dixit (Sully District), and At-Large representatives Kyle McDaniel, Ryan McElveen, and Ilryong Moon.

Family Resource Center Webinars and FCPS Family Academy

Upcoming Family Academy Events

You are an important part of your child's education! The FCPS Family Academy compiles classes, webinars, workshops, and programs offered by FCPS to help you support your child's needs and learning at home. Browse Family Academy offerings.

January Webinars for Families 

Fifth and Sixth Grade Families

Our Family Liaison, Paulina Hidalgo, invites you to participate in The Parent Project. This free 10-week parent workshop will help you to gain tools to learn:

  • how to build a positive relationship with your child.
  • ways to prevent or intervene in alcohol and drug use, disruptive behavior at home and gang affiliation.
  • ways to explore concrete solutions for active supervision.

When: Thursdays 6:30 - 8:30 pm

Where: Herndon Middle School Library

In-person: February 6th - April 10th


Order Your 2024-2025 Yearbook

Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook Today https://ybpay.lifetouch.com/Order/ Code 14267225

Dranesville CARES 


Our school-wide expectations are grounded in Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills that students need to succeed in school and life. It is important that we are all caring communicators who use respectful words, goal-directed and resilient individuals who take ownership of our learning community and global and ethical citizens who take action to care for our school and community.


While Dining at Dranesville

In order to enhance the dining experience for all students at Dranesville, intentional instruction is taking place around our expectations for all students while dining in the cafeteria. Third graders, pictured to the left, are taking care of themselves by sitting, eating, and enjoying table talk with peers sitting at their tables.


  • I will be respectful by entering the cafeteria walking quietly.
  • I will be responsible by getting my lunch and utensils before sitting down. 
  • I will be responsible by sitting in my seat.
  • I will eat lunch and talk quietly (table voices) with my neighbor.
  • I will be responsible by cleaning up when my table is called.
  • I will be safe by staying seated until my teacher picks me up from my table.
Restroom Use

There is a sign out/sign in system for leaving classrooms to use the restroom. Students are expected to be responsible for themselves, our restrooms, and their learning time each time they use the restroom at school.

When in the restroom, we expect students to "Go, Flush, Wash, and Leave", so they can return to their learning.

Transitioning Through Hallways 
  • Use walking feet in the hallway.
  • Stop at intervals to check with the adult for instructions to continue or wait.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  • Use quiet voices to respect other classes that are working.


Please talk with your child about ways that they honor our school-wide expectations in class, throughout the school building, and online every day.

Dranesville CARES about each other and the world.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Quick Guide

Safe, Supported, and Ready to Learn with Second Step

Each of our K-6 grade classes engages in morning meeting. This is an engaging way to start each day, build a strong sense of community, and set students up for success socially and academically.

On Tuesday mornings, each of our K-6 classes will be engaging in Second Step lessons during morning meeting time. Through Second Step lessons, we will explore the concepts of Growth Mindset and Goal setting, Emotion Management, Empathy and Kindness, and Problem-solving.

This morning we began with a focus on Growth Mindset. Fostering a growth mindset can enhance students’ academic performance and help them develop crucial life skills like resilience, motivation, and the ability to adapt their learning strategies. Adopting a growth mindset can mean the difference between a student persevering through challenges or giving up. 

Here are family links for our first Second Step Unit: Growth Mindset.

K | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Kindergarten Orientation

Dranesville Elementary's Kindergarten Orientation March 17th 3:00 pm

Dranesville Renovation

Check the Dranesville Elementary Capital Project page for updates about our renovation and addition. We are excited to grow with you!

Community Flyers

Herndon Reston Youth Baseball Spring 2025

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville PTA Newsletter

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PTA Updates for January 9th



Our Family Fitness Night will be postponed to a later date. More information to come soon. Please stay tuned for other upcoming activities and events!

January Staff Breakfast


Calling all THIRD GRADE families! January is your month to treat our staff to breakfast at their monthly meeting. The Friday meeting for January is on Friday, January 17th. Our theme for this month is a hot oatmeal bar with toppings. 

Please use this link to sign up to contribute: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA629A2FDCF8-54271844-3rdgrade#/

NEW Before and After School Programs Starting Soon!


Registration is open for these new afterschool programs. Programs begin in January. Learn more and register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs 


Therapeutic Arts Science & Growth Mindset

Who: Ages 6-12

When: Wednesdays, 4:15 - 6:00 p.m., Jan. 8 - Feb. 12, 2025

Cost: $185

Winter 2025 Curriculum: Blabbering Bubbles, Game of Scrapped, Mystery Science, Air Clay Play, Gracious Gratitude


Who: Grades 3-6

When: Tuesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m., Jan. 14 - March 4

Cost: $160

What: The pickleball action is spreading fast! Kids will get their first exposure to the fastest growing sport in America. Players will be introduced to the equipment, simple ball striking, game fundamentals, court safety and etiquette. You'll learn the rules of the game, grip, serving, volleying, forehand and backhand strokes. This class will work on hand eye coordination, footwork and concentration while participating in game-play and stations. Player favorites like Around the World, Popcorn, and Sky Ball will keep classes energized and FUN and give beginner players plenty of opportunities to build their confidence...Game, Set, Match!

Sports Spectacular

Who: Grades K-3

When: Wednesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m.,  Jan. 15 - March 12 

Cost: $160

What: Let’s Play! Save the best for last by finishing up the school day with Sports Spectacular, a variety athletic program that features different sports throughout the session. Participants will practice skills and play games in both traditional sports and playground favorites. The Sports Spectacular Variety Program features the best “to- do” list ever – Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football, Kickball, Capture the Flag, Wiffle Ball, Bump and Bite, Knights and Dragons, Numbers Game, Tag Games, Safe Base and MORE! OTA covers all the bases with our emphasis on playing, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fitness. Don’t miss out on the FUN!

Chess Club

Who: All Grades

When: Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m., Jan. 21 - March 11

Cost: $189

What: Learn chess with Magnus Academy, the five time world champion’s academy! Class time is divided between lessons and practice games. Lessons range from the basic rules to advanced tournament strategies.

Register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs

Chick Fil-A Spirit Day - Thursday, January 16th


Come support Dranesville at the North Point Village Chick-fil-A, Thursday, January 16th from 6 AM - 10 PM, by placing a mobile pickup, dine-in, drive-thru or curbside order. When ordering in the store or drive-thru, let the team member know you are here for the spirit event. A donation of 25% of mobile sales ordered through the app will be given to Dranesville. The code is DRAGONS (all caps).

New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!


Upcoming Events

  • Chick-fil-A Spirit Night: January 16 

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville PTA Newsletter

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PTA Updates for January 2nd

Happy New Year from the Dranesville PTA! We have a lot of exciting events planned for the upcoming year. We always welcome new volunteers and new ideas! Please join us!




Make dinner plans easy for the first week back from break by dining at Glory Days Grill on Tuesday, January 7th from 5-10 PM at the North Point location. Mention Dranesville when ordering and a percentage of the sales will go to Dranesville!



Burn off that holiday energy with a fun-filled family fitness event where you can challenge yourself, stay active and win exciting prizes!  

Stations include: 

  • Pacer Rubber Duck Race
  • Strength and Conditioning with Courtney Dipp
  • Jump rope free for all!
  • Stair Climb Race
  • High Jump
  • Restorative Yoga with Beloved Yoga
  • Dance Battle
  • Healthy snack concessions

Registration now open!



Volunteers needed!

Sign up to help with the even here! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA629A2FDCF8-54025840-family#/



Please join us for the monthly PTA meeting on Wednesday, January 8th at 7 PM in the library. We have many events and opportunities coming up and could use your help! There are volunteer opportunities of all levels available! We will also have an open Membership Secretary board position open in 2025-2026 - come join the meeting and see if it might be a good fit for you!

NEW Before and After School Programs Starting Soon!


Registration is open for these new afterschool programs. Programs begin in January. Learn more and register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs 


Therapeutic Arts Science & Growth Mindset

Who: Ages 6-12

When: Wednesdays, 4:15 - 6:00 p.m., Jan. 8 - Feb. 12, 2025

Cost: $185

Winter 2025 Curriculum: Blabbering Bubbles, Game of Scrapped, Mystery Science, Air Clay Play, Gracious Gratitude


Who: Grades 3-6

When: Tuesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m., Jan. 14 - March 4

Cost: $160

What: The pickleball action is spreading fast! Kids will get their first exposure to the fastest growing sport in America. Players will be introduced to the equipment, simple ball striking, game fundamentals, court safety and etiquette. You'll learn the rules of the game, grip, serving, volleying, forehand and backhand strokes. This class will work on hand eye coordination, footwork and concentration while participating in game-play and stations. Player favorites like Around the World, Popcorn, and Sky Ball will keep classes energized and FUN and give beginner players plenty of opportunities to build their confidence...Game, Set, Match!

Sports Spectacular

Who: Grades K-3

When: Wednesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m.,  Jan. 15 - March 12 

Cost: $160

What: Let’s Play! Save the best for last by finishing up the school day with Sports Spectacular, a variety athletic program that features different sports throughout the session. Participants will practice skills and play games in both traditional sports and playground favorites. The Sports Spectacular Variety Program features the best “to- do” list ever – Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football, Kickball, Capture the Flag, Wiffle Ball, Bump and Bite, Knights and Dragons, Numbers Game, Tag Games, Safe Base and MORE! OTA covers all the bases with our emphasis on playing, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fitness. Don’t miss out on the FUN!

Chess Club

Who: All Grades

When: Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m., Jan. 21 - March 11

Cost: $189

What: Learn chess with Magnus Academy, the five time world champion’s academy! Class time is divided between lessons and practice games. Lessons range from the basic rules to advanced tournament strategies.

Register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs



Dragon Days are specific Fridays throughout the year when parents, guardians or family members can spend the day volunteering in the school. 

January 10th is still open if you’re available!  Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0F49AAAA2DA3FD0-50684673-20242025?useFullSite=true#/

New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!


Upcoming Events

  • Glory Days Spirit Night: January 7
  • PTA Meeting: January 8
  • Family Fitness Fun Night: January 16
  • Chick-fil-A Spirit Night: January 16 

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville PTA Newsletter

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PTA Updates for December 19th




Congratulations to all the incredible students who participated in this year’s Reflections Art contest with the theme Accepting Imperfection!


Diana Adams 

Fidan Dulkadir 

Knox Kupets 

Mark Ethan Kupets 

Jack Schlegel 

Hannah Schuster 


Your creativity offered us a glimpse into the world through your eyes, revealing the beauty, courage, and uniqueness found in imperfection. Through your art, you reminded us that flaws can be celebrated, stories can be shared, and even life’s rough edges can be beautiful. We are so proud of every one of you! 


We can’t wait to see what you’ll dream up next year. Stay tuned for details, and until then, keep creating, sharing, and inspiring the world with your art.



Join us for a fun-filled family fitness event where you can challenge yourself, stay active and win exciting prizes! Registration will be coming soon online - $10 per family. Register for your family at www.dranesvillepta.com.

Register to help with the event here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA629A2FDCF8-54025840-family#/



Dragon Days are specific Fridays throughout the year when parents, guardians or family members can spend the day volunteering in the school. 

Support our teachers and staff and make new connections!

  • Arrive early to greet each student!
  • Participate with your student(s) on the morning news show!
  • Support multiple classrooms
  • Join your student for lunch and recess

We still have dates available for this school year! Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0F49AAAA2DA3FD0-50684673-20242025?useFullSite=true#/

NEW Before and After School Programs Starting Soon!


Registration is open for these new afterschool programs. Programs begin in January. Learn more and register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs 

Therapeutic Arts Science & Growth Mindset

Who: Ages 6-12

When: Wednesdays, 4:15 - 6:00 p.m., Jan. 8 - Feb. 12, 2025

Cost: $185

Winter 2025 Curriculum: Blabbering Bubbles, Game of Scrapped, Mystery Science, Air Clay Play, Gracious Gratitude


Who: Grades 3-6

When: Tuesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m., Jan. 14 - March 4

Cost: $160

What: The pickleball action is spreading fast! Kids will get their first exposure to the fastest growing sport in America. Players will be introduced to the equipment, simple ball striking, game fundamentals, court safety and etiquette. You'll learn the rules of the game, grip, serving, volleying, forehand and backhand strokes. This class will work on hand eye coordination, footwork and concentration while participating in game-play and stations. Player favorites like Around the World, Popcorn, and Sky Ball will keep classes energized and FUN and give beginner players plenty of opportunities to build their confidence...Game, Set, Match!

Sports Spectacular

Who: Grades K-3

When: Wednesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m.,  Jan. 15 - March 12 

Cost: $160

What: Let’s Play! Save the best for last by finishing up the school day with Sports Spectacular, a variety athletic program that features different sports throughout the session. Participants will practice skills and play games in both traditional sports and playground favorites. The Sports Spectacular Variety Program features the best “to- do” list ever – Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football, Kickball, Capture the Flag, Wiffle Ball, Bump and Bite, Knights and Dragons, Numbers Game, Tag Games, Safe Base and MORE! OTA covers all the bases with our emphasis on playing, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fitness. Don’t miss out on the FUN!

Chess Club

Who: All Grades

When: Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m., Jan. 21 - March 11

Cost: $189

What: Learn chess with Magnus Academy, the five time world champion’s academy! Class time is divided between lessons and practice games. Lessons range from the basic rules to advanced tournament strategies.

Register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs


New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!


Upcoming Events

  • Glory Days Spirit Night: January 7
  • PTA Meeting: January 8
  • Family Fitness Fun Night: January 16
  • Chick-fil-A Spirit Night: January 16 

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville's Tuesday Connection

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Our 5th grade chorus performed songs of the season for an audience of third through sixth graders.

Save the Date

December 16th - December 20th

FLE Instruction (Grades 4 -6)

December 17th

Winter Music Concert 7:00 pm

December 23rd - January 3rd

Winter Break School and Office Closed 

January 6th

School Reopens for Students, Staff, and SACC

January 8th -17th

Reading (3-6) and Math (1-6) iReady 

January 8th - 31st 

VALLSS (PS and K-3)

Virginia Language and Literacy Screening System

January 15

Dranesville's 6th Grade Chorus Performs at GMU 7:00 pm

January 20 

Holiday | No School

January 21st - March 14th

WIDA Access for ELLs

January 28

End of Quarter 2

January 29

Teacher Workday | No School

24-25 School Year Calendar

Spring 2025 SOL Assessment Dates

Impact Aid Update

Thank you, Dranesville families, for completing and returning the annual Federal Impact Aid Survey. 95.9% Impact Aid Surveys distributed (593 out of 618) were returned.

Celebrating Dranesville Staff

Congratulations to our Outstanding Employees for this school year!

Outstanding Teacher: Melissa Armor

Outstanding New Teacher: Jaden Cerreta

Outstanding Operational Employee: Rosario Ray

Outstanding Professional Employee: Megan Kowalczik

Outstanding Leader: Jillian Palacios

Thank you to our community for submitting nominations!

Dranesville's College Spirit Continues at George Mason

One of our 15 Days of Spirit was College Spirit Day. On this day, we listened and learned about connections and aspirations within and throughout our school community. We are going to continue our college spirit by supporting our 6th grade chorus as they perform at George Mason on January 15, 2025.

Dranesville's 6th Grade Chorus will be performing the National Anthem at George Mason University on Wednesday, January 15, 2025. General admission tickets to the GM Women's Basketball Game vs. Loyola are available for purchase online. We would love to see your family there!

Yearbook Cover Winners

This year we received 43 yearbook cover contest entries from students in grades K-6. The entries above were selected by students and staff to be featured on the front, back, and inside covers of the 2024-2025 yearbook. Yearbooks are available for purchase online.

Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook Cover Today


Code 14267225

Dranesville CARES 


Our school-wide expectations are grounded in Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills that students need to succeed in school and life. It is important that we are all caring communicators who use respectful words, goal-directed and resilient individuals who take ownership of our learning community and global and ethical citizens who take action to care for our school and community.


While Dining at Dranesville

In order to enhance the dining experience for all students at Dranesville, intentional instruction is taking place around our expectations for all students while dining in the cafeteria. Third graders, pictured to the left, are taking care of themselves by sitting, eating, and enjoying table talk with peers sitting at their tables.


  • I will be respectful by entering the cafeteria walking quietly.
  • I will be responsible by getting my lunch and utensils before sitting down. 
  • I will be responsible by sitting in my seat.
  • I will eat lunch and talk quietly (table voices) with my neighbor.
  • I will be responsible by cleaning up when my table is called.
  • I will be safe by staying seated until my teacher picks me up from my table.
Restroom Use

There is a sign out/sign in system for leaving classrooms to use the restroom. Students are expected to be responsible for themselves, our restrooms, and their learning time each time they use the restroom at school.

When in the restroom, we expect students to "Go, Flush, Wash, and Leave", so they can return to their learning.

Transitioning Through Hallways 
  • Use walking feet in the hallway.
  • Stop at intervals to check with the adult for instructions to continue or wait.
  • Keep hands and feet to yourself.
  • Use quiet voices to respect other classes that are working.


Please talk with your child about ways that they honor our school-wide expectations in class, throughout the school building, and online every day.

Dranesville CARES about each other and the world.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Quick Guide

Safe, Supported, and Ready to Learn with Second Step

As a school, we are committed to teaching students the skills that they need to connect and thrive. On Tuesday mornings, beginning January 7th, all classes K-6 will engage in a weekly morning meeting. 

These morning meeting experiences will help students to develop skills in the areas of self-management, social awareness, relationship skills, self-awareness, and responsible decision making. Families will receive information about Second Step through weekly Dranesville Tuesday Connections. 

Dranesville Renovation

Check the Dranesville Elementary Capital Project page for updates about our renovation and addition. We are excited to grow with you!

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville's Connection

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15 Days of Spirit Week 3: December 16 Rainbow Day, December 17 Concert Attire Day (Wear black and white to support our musicians), December 18 PJ Day, December 19 Tropical Day, December 20 Plaid Day.

It has been fun celebrating our school spirit and learning about each other through spirit days. We have learned about favorite teams, college aspirations, and how over the top our students and staff are with their creativity. We will continue to share joy and cheer as we close out the 2024 calendar year. 

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville PTA Newsletter

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PTA Updates for December 12th




What's your favorite family game? Bring it in and share with friends at Dranesville PTA's Family Game Night. Wear your PJs and meet us in the cafeteria on December 18th from 6 - 8 p.m. It's a casual night of fun before we leave for winter break.  

Game Donation Drive: Optional: We would love to gather your favorite games for indoor recess this winter! Bring a board game to donate to Dranesville classrooms.



Please help us treat our staff to a hot cocoa and cookie bar on Thursday, December 19th. We are planning for each staff member to be able to make a custom assortment of cookies to enjoy before the winter break, as well as make their own cup of hot cocoa topped with treats. Please sign up to contribute cookies or cocoa supplies at this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA629A2FDCF8-53640508-hotcoco#/

NEW Before and After School Programs Starting Soon!


Registration is open for these new afterschool programs. Programs begin in January. Learn more and register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs 

Therapeutic Arts Science & Growth Mindset

Who: Ages 6-12

When: Wednesdays, 4:15 - 6:00 p.m., Jan. 8 - Feb. 12, 2025

Cost: $185

Winter 2025 Curriculum: Blabbering Bubbles, Game of Scrapped, Mystery Science, Air Clay Play, Gracious Gratitude


Who: Grades 3-6

When: Tuesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m., Jan. 14 - March 4

Cost: $160

What: The pickleball action is spreading fast! Kids will get their first exposure to the fastest growing sport in America. Players will be introduced to the equipment, simple ball striking, game fundamentals, court safety and etiquette. You'll learn the rules of the game, grip, serving, volleying, forehand and backhand strokes. This class will work on hand eye coordination, footwork and concentration while participating in game-play and stations. Player favorites like Around the World, Popcorn, and Sky Ball will keep classes energized and FUN and give beginner players plenty of opportunities to build their confidence...Game, Set, Match!

Sports Spectacular

Who: Grades K-3

When: Wednesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m.,  Jan. 15 - March 12 

Cost: $160

What: Let’s Play! Save the best for last by finishing up the school day with Sports Spectacular, a variety athletic program that features different sports throughout the session. Participants will practice skills and play games in both traditional sports and playground favorites. The Sports Spectacular Variety Program features the best “to- do” list ever – Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football, Kickball, Capture the Flag, Wiffle Ball, Bump and Bite, Knights and Dragons, Numbers Game, Tag Games, Safe Base and MORE! OTA covers all the bases with our emphasis on playing, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fitness. Don’t miss out on the FUN!

Chess Club

Who: All Grades

When: Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m., Jan. 21 - March 11

Cost: $189

What: Learn chess with Magnus Academy, the five time world champion’s academy! Class time is divided between lessons and practice games. Lessons range from the basic rules to advanced tournament strategies.

Register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs

Chick Fil-A Spirit Day - Thursday, December 19th


Come support Dranesville at the North Point Village Chick-fil-A, Thursday, December 19th from 6 AM - 10 PM, by placing a mobile pickup, dine-in, drive-thru or curbside order. When ordering in the store or drive-thru, let the team member know you are here for the spirit event. A donation of 25% of mobile sales ordered through the app will be given to Dranesville. The code is DRAGONS (all caps).

New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!


Upcoming Events

  • Family Game Night: December 18
  • Hot Cocoa and Cookie Bar for Staff: December 19 
  • Chick-fil-A Spirit Night: December 19
  • PTA Meeting: January 8
  • Family Fitness Fun Night: January 16

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville PTA Newsletter

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PTA Updates for December 5th




Order from Paisano’s on Tuesday, December 10th and 20% of all sales will be donated to Dranesville. Please mention Dranesville when ordering from Paisano’s at the Elden Street location, call: 703-796-6800.



Please join us for our monthly PTA meeting on Wednesday, December 11th at 7PM* in the library! We need YOU! There are many jobs big and small to help our school community and we’d love for you to join us and find out how you can help.

*We will have a small gathering at 6:30 p.m. in the Library to recognize all students who submitted Reflections Art entries. Please come a little early to see all of the great submissions!



Please help us treat our staff to a hot cocoa and cookie bar on Thursday, December 19th. We are planning for each staff member to be able to make a custom assortment of cookies to enjoy before the winter break, as well as make their own cup of hot cocoa topped with treats. Please sign up to contribute cookies or cocoa supplies at this link: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ACA629A2FDCF8-53640508-hotcoco#/

NEW Before and After School Programs Starting Soon!


Registration is open for these new afterschool programs. Programs begin in January. Learn more and register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs 

Therapeutic Arts Science & Growth Mindset

Who: Ages 6-12

When: Wednesdays, 4:15 - 6:00 p.m., Jan. 8 - Feb. 12, 2025

Cost: $185

Winter 2025 Curriculum: Blabbering Bubbles, Game of Scrapped, Mystery Science, Air Clay Play, Gracious Gratitude


Who: Grades 3-6

When: Tuesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m., Jan. 14 - March 4

Cost: $160

What: The pickleball action is spreading fast! Kids will get their first exposure to the fastest growing sport in America. Players will be introduced to the equipment, simple ball striking, game fundamentals, court safety and etiquette. You'll learn the rules of the game, grip, serving, volleying, forehand and backhand strokes. This class will work on hand eye coordination, footwork and concentration while participating in game-play and stations. Player favorites like Around the World, Popcorn, and Sky Ball will keep classes energized and FUN and give beginner players plenty of opportunities to build their confidence...Game, Set, Match!

Sports Spectacular

Who: Grades K-3

When: Wednesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m.,  Jan. 15 - March 12 

Cost: $160

What: Let’s Play! Save the best for last by finishing up the school day with Sports Spectacular, a variety athletic program that features different sports throughout the session. Participants will practice skills and play games in both traditional sports and playground favorites. The Sports Spectacular Variety Program features the best “to- do” list ever – Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football, Kickball, Capture the Flag, Wiffle Ball, Bump and Bite, Knights and Dragons, Numbers Game, Tag Games, Safe Base and MORE! OTA covers all the bases with our emphasis on playing, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fitness. Don’t miss out on the FUN!

Chess Club

Who: All Grades

When: Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m., Jan. 21 - March 11

Cost: $189

What: Learn chess with Magnus Academy, the five time world champion’s academy! Class time is divided between lessons and practice games. Lessons range from the basic rules to advanced tournament strategies.

Register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs


Family Game Night - December 18th!

What's your favorite family game? Bring it in and share with friends at Dranesville PTA's Family Game Night. Wear your PJs and meet us in the cafeteria on December 18th from 6 - 8 p.m. It's a casual night of fun before we leave for winter break.  

Game Donation Drive: Optional but we would love to gather your favorite games for indoor recess this winter! Bring a board game to donate to Dranesville classrooms.


New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!


Upcoming Events

  • Paisano’s Pizza Spirit Night: December 10 
  • PTA Meeting: December 11
  • Family Game Night: December 18
  • Hot Cocoa and Cookie Bar for Staff: December 19 

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville's Tuesday Connection

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Dragons show their Dranesville spirit by wearing blue on day 2 of our 15 Days of Spirit.

Save the Date

December 4th

Makeup & Retake Picture Day

Herndon Middle School 7th Grade Curriculum Night - 5:30 - 7:30 pm

English Flyer | Spanish Flyer

December 16th - December 20th

FLE Instruction (Grades 4 -6)

December 23rd - January 3rd

Winter Break School and Office Closed 

January 6th

School Reopens for Students, Staff, and SACC


24-25 School Year Calendar

Spring 2025 SOL Assessment Dates

Early Release Monday

Our next 3 hour early release is on Monday, December 9th. Students will be dismissed at 1:05 pm. On Wednesday, December 4th all Dranesville families will receive an email reminder of the dismissal plan on record for the 3 hour early release days. If you need to change the way your child(ren) will be dismissed on Monday, please call the main office at 703-326-5200 by Friday, December 6th.

Impact Aid Forms

Thank you to all who have completed the Federal Impact Aid Survey.  If you have not already done so, please complete the form via ParentVUE, under "Online Packets".

If we do not yet have a completed form for your child, there is a form in your child'sPlease note, if you have multiple children in Fairfax County Public Schools, please fill out a form for each child. 

Holiday Message from Food Services

As the holiday season approaches, we want to share some tips to help your child stay healthy and active:

● Plan Physical Activity: Encourage your child to participate in physical activities, such as outdoor games, sports, or family walks.

● Limit Screen Time: Reduce screen time and encourage more time for physical activity and social interaction.

● Healthy Eating: Make healthy food choices, such as fruits, vegetables, and
whole grains.

● Involve Your Child in Cooking: Let your child help with meal preparation and let them choose healthy ingredients.

By following these tips, you can help your child maintain a healthy lifestyle, even during the busy holiday season.

Happy Holidays!

Food Allergies Form Required for Cafeteria

Starting School Year 2024-2025, the Office of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) implemented a standardized process for dietary accommodations to ensure the provision of safe and healthy food for our students.

If your child will need a medical accommodation (food allergies, texture modifications, or other dietary needs) or a milk substitution in the cafeteria, this a reminder to submit your completed accommodation form if you have not already done so. This form only needs to be filled out once while your child is enrolled at FCPS.  The completed form should be sent to [email protected].

More information including the form can be found online. If you have any questions, please contact FCPS Food and Nutrition Services at:  703-813-4800

AAP Full-Time Referrals

Deadline for Submitting Referrals: December 15

The deadline for all students in grades 2-6 to apply for full-time (formerly referred to as level IV) advanced academic services to begin at the start of the 25-26 school year is Sunday, December 15. This is a county provided date, there are no exceptions or extensions. Please plan ahead!

To initiate the screening process, please submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form through email to Tracey Jenkins at [email protected] or submit a hard copy to the Main Office by Friday, December 13th at 4:30 pm.

Understanding the Full-Time AAP Screening Process

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Advanced Academic Programs Full-Time AAP Services Referral Form

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Parent/Guardian Questionnaire

English | Spanish

Family Facing Curriculum: Overview of What Students are Learning Second Quarter

Instruction in Virginia's public schools is guided by the Standards of Learning (SOL). The standards describe the expectations for student learning, assessment, and achievement in grades K-12. 

Pacing is the how and when teachers teach the standards. Each school division creates its own pacing. These pacing overviews are examples of how and when teachers organize and teach the curriculum. They are organized by quarter and by week.

Select your student’s grade level and content area to see detailed information.

Dranesville CARES 

Our school-wide agreements are grounded in Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills that students need to succeed in school and life.

At Dranesville:

  • We will consider the feelings of others when communicating by using respectful words.
  • We will be responsible by taking ownership of our learning community.
  • We will be caring by listening to, learning about, and valuing others.

Dranesville CARES about each other and the world.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Quick Guide

Dranesville Renovation

Check the Dranesville Elementary Capital Project page for updates about our renovation and addition. We are excited to grow with you!

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville Connection

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Monday- PJ Day, Tuesday-Dranesville Spirit Day, Wednesday- You So Fancy Day, Thursday-Tie Dye Day, Friday-College Spirit Day


We look forward to welcoming all of our Dranesville Dragons back from Thanksgiving Break tomorrow, Monday, December 2nd! We are going to ease back into school with the cozy vibes of a PJ Day!

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville's Tuesday Connection

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Our youngest dragons sing a thank you song to their families during our Magnitude of Gratitude celebration.

Save the Date

 November 27th - 29th

Thanksgiving Break No School - School and Office Closed

December 2nd

School Reopens - 15 Days of Spirit Begins

December 4th

Makeup & Retake Picture Day

Herndon Middle School 7th Grade Curriculum Night - 5:30 - 7:30 pm

English Flyer | Spanish Flyer

December 9th

3- Hour Early Release K-6 - Students Dismissed at 1:05 pm

December 16th - December 20th

FLE Instruction (Grades 4 - 6)

December 23rd - January 3rd

Winter Break School and Office Closed 

January 6th

School Reopens for Students, Staff, and SACC


24-25 School Year Calendar

Spring 2025 SOL Assessment Dates

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving, Dranesville Dragons!

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with love, laughter, and plenty of turkey! We're incredibly grateful for your continued support and partnership.

School and Office Closed for Thanksgiving Break

Please note that our school and office will be closed from November 27th to December 1st for Thanksgiving Break. Teachers and staff will be on break. We will respond to all messages when we return on December 2nd.

Countdown to Winter Break

When we return on December 2nd, we'll only have 15 short days of school left until Winter Break. Let's make the most of this time! Students will be hard at work, learning new things and demonstrating their knowledge through assessments.

December 2nd - PJ Day December 3rd - Dranesville Spirit Day December 4th - You So Fancy Day 📸 December 5th - Tie Dye Day ! December 6th - College Spirit Day

December 2nd - PJ Day

We'll ease back in after Thanksgiving Break with a PJ Day.

December 3rd - Dranesville Spirit Day

We may have different swag, but we all have Dranesville Spirit.

December 4th - You So Fancy Day 📸

Wear you fanciest clothes. For those retaking your school picture, smile! 

December 5th - Tie Dye Day

Tie-dye is always a good idea. Happy Tie Dye Day!

December 6th - College Spirit Day

Dranesville will be filled with dreams and aspirations! Wear college spirit wear.

7th Grade Curriculum Night

Attention: 6th Grade Families

7th Grade Curriculum Night

Herndon Middle School

Wednesday, December 4th 

5:30 - 7:30 pm


This event is an opportunity to meet HMS teachers, hear from students, learn about curriculum, and take a self - guided classroom tour.

Reminder   Window for Full-Time AAP Referrals Closes on December 15, 2024

Parents/guardians of students in Grades 2-7 who would like their student to be considered for Full-Time advanced academic programs may submit the AAP Full-Time Referral Form to Tracey Jenkins at [email protected] no later than December 15, 2024

The window for families to submit a referral for Full-Time AAP services is the first day of school through December 15, annually.  Forms for Full-Time and part-time referrals are available on the AAP Forms Page. No late referrals for Full-Time AAP services will be accepted. 

Submitting a referral form for Full-Time AAP will initiate a process that begins at the local school and is then completed at the central office level. Our school will put together a portfolio that includes multiple data which are considered holistically. At the central office level, a committee of six trained professionals from various schools and roles will review the portfolio materials to determine eligibility for Full-Time placement.  Eligibility decisions are communicated by early April. Parents may request a copy of the portfolio that was submitted after they have been turned in for central selection by emailing Tracey Jenkins at [email protected].

Referrals for Subject-Specific and Part-Time AAP are screened at the local school. If you miss this deadline, your student can still be screened for Subject-Specific AAP or Part-Time AAP for the remainder of the year and submit a referral for Full-Time AAP next fall. 

For more information, please visit the Advanced Academic Programs website.

Understanding the Full-Time AAP Screening Process

English | Spanish

Advanced Academic Programs Full-Time AAP Services Referral Form

English | Spanish

Parent/Guardian Questionnaire

English | Spanish

Boundary Review Community Meeting


Community meetings regarding FCPS’ comprehensive boundary review will take place in each of the division's six regions. You are encouraged to attend the meeting in our region, which will take place on Wednesday, December 18, 6:30-8 p.m., at Madison High School Cafeteria.

Please register in advance by clicking on the date. Language interpretation will be available. 

If you are unable to attend on this date, view the full list of meetings on the Comprehensive School Boundary Review webpage.

Dranesville CARES 


Our school-wide agreements are grounded in Portrait of a Graduate attributes and skills that students need to succeed in school and life.

At Dranesville:

  • We will consider the feelings of others when communicating by using respectful words.
  • We will be responsible by taking ownership of our learning community.
  • We will be caring by listening to, learning about, and valuing others.

Dranesville CARES about each other and the world.

Student Rights and Responsibilities Quick Guide

Dranesville Renovation

Thank you to the Dranesville families and community members who attended the Renovation Community Meeting on Tuesday, August 20th. Information from that meeting is available on the FCPS website. We are excited to grow with you!

Learn more about the Dranesville Elementary School renovation project.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville's Connection

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Giving thanks for friends we learn with every day.

Dranesville Attendance Update

61st day of school chronic absentee rate is 7.6% compared to 7.8% this time last school year.

As we approach the holiday season, we want to remind you of the importance of maintaining regular school attendance. Every day in the classroom counts, and missing even a single day can impact a student's learning and development. Thank you for your continued support.

Calendar Reminders

November 25th & 26th 

Full Days for Students 9:20 am - 4:05 pm 

November 27th - 29th

Thanksgiving Break No School - School and Office Closed

24-25 School Year Calendar

Spring 2025 SOL Assessment Dates

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville PTA Newsletter

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PTA Updates for November 21st



Turkey Toss - Friday, November 22nd - Dranesville Gym

What: A student and an adult partner (over 18) shoots 5 free throws each at an age-appropriate distance and height. DES Staff can also enter the competition! The team with the most points in each division wins a turkey!! Prizes will also be awarded to the 2nd and 3rd place teams, and all registered teams will be entered into a drawing for door prizes.

Why: To have fun with your DES community and show off your free throw skills! All proceeds will go towards the Dranesville Elementary PTA to support our school.

Join us for concessions, prizes, 50/50 raffle, music, and of course, the Turkey Toss! Register now to secure your team’s spot. Bring the family to enjoy watching the competition. 

5:30 PM - Registration and Warmups

6:00 PM - Competition begins for pre-K to 2 followed by grades 3-6.

Cost: $10/team. Spectators are free.

Registration: At the door or at this link:



NEW Before and After School Programs Starting Soon!

Registration is open for these new afterschool programs. Programs begin in January. Register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs 


Who: Grades 3-6

When: Tuesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m., Jan. 14 - March 4

Cost: $160

What: The pickleball action is spreading fast! Kids will get their first exposure to the fastest growing sport in America. Players will be introduced to the equipment, simple ball striking, game fundamentals, court safety and etiquette. You'll learn the rules of the game, grip, serving, volleying, forehand and backhand strokes. This class will work on hand eye coordination, footwork and concentration while participating in game-play and stations. Player favorites like Around the World, Popcorn, and Sky Ball will keep classes energized and FUN and give beginner players plenty of opportunities to build their confidence...Game, Set, Match!

Sports Spectacular:

Who: Grades K-3

When: Wednesdays, 4:15- 5:15 p.m.,  Jan. 15 - March 12 

Cost: $160

What: Let’s Play! Save the best for last by finishing up the school day with Sports Spectacular, a variety athletic program that features different sports throughout the session. Participants will practice skills and play games in both traditional sports and playground favorites. The Sports Spectacular Variety Program features the best “to- do” list ever – Basketball, Soccer, Flag Football, Kickball, Capture the Flag, Wiffle Ball, Bump and Bite, Knights and Dragons, Numbers Game, Tag Games, Safe Base and MORE! OTA covers all the bases with our emphasis on playing, teamwork, sportsmanship, and fitness. Don’t miss out on the FUN!

Chess Club

Who: All Grades

When: Tuesdays, 8-9 a.m., Jan. 21 - March 11

Cost: $189

What: Learn chess with Magnus Academy, the five time world champion’s academy! Class time is divided between lessons and practice games. Lessons range from the basic rules to advanced tournament strategies.

Register here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/school-programs


Minted Fundraiser

We can't believe it either, but the holidays are right around the corner! This year, we're partnering with Minted to help us fundraise for Dranesville Elementary PTA. Using our unique code: FUNDRAISEDRANESVILLE, you can get 20% off all your Minted holiday card & gift purchases - and for every order placed, Minted will donate 15% back to Dranesville.

To participate, simply visit minted.com/holiday to start your holiday shopping. Apply code: FUNDRAISEDRANESVILLE at checkout to claim your 20% discount. Please share this code with friends and family—the more people shop Minted using our code, the more Dranesville earns!


Family Game Night - December 18th!

What's your favorite family game? Bring it in and share with friends at Dranesville PTA's Family Game Night. Wear your PJs and meet us in the cafeteria on December 18th from 6 - 8 p.m. It's a casual night of fun before we leave for winter break.  

Game Donation Drive: This is optional but we would love to gather your favorite games for indoor recess this winter! Bring a board game to donate to Dranesville classrooms.


New to school? Join the Facebook Group

Stay up-to-date on all things Dranesville PTA! Join our private Facebook Group and know what’s happening in between emails!


Upcoming Events

  • Turkey Toss: November 22
  • Paisano’s Pizza Spirit Night: December 10 
  • PTA Meeting: December 11
  • Family Game Night: December 18

See the full calendar here: https://www.dranesvillepta.com/events

Questions? Email [email protected] or visit our website at www.dranesvillepta.com.

1515 Powells Tavern Place, Herndon, VA 20170 | Main Office: 703-326-5200
Attendance: 703-326-5252  or [email protected]
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Dranesville Elementary School News and announcements
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