Special Education

Special Education Team:

24-25 Special Education Teams

1st Photo

From L to R:

Back Row: Ms. Mohammed (IA), Ms. Elshazli (IA), Ms. Dales, Ms. Yearout (IA), Mr. Nickle

Middle Row: Ms. Elshazali (IA), Ms. Harrison, Ms. Lee, Ms. Byrd, Ms. Green (IA), Ms. Bashyal, Ms. Herandez, Ms. Inge

Front Row: Ms. Cloud, Ms. Tomomatsu, Ms. Borenstein, Ms. Kim (PHTA), Ms. Pholchuay, Ms. Khan (IA), Ms. Mohan (IA)

2nd Photo- EAC Team

EAC Team 24-25

From L to R: 

Back Row: Ms. Elshazli, Mr. Nickle, Ms. Cervenec, Ms. Borenstein, Ms. Mohammad

Front Row: Ms. Khan, Ms. Coffinberger, Ms. Mohan, Ms Pholchuay, Ms. Mejias